Robert Jackson Marks II is a Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at
In 2007, Marks created on a Baylor University server a website for the and still contains the material advancing intelligent design.
Additional controversy arose when it was discovered that
Marks agrees that "associating with [intelligent design] proponents can be harmful to your career" and expressed sympathy for
Marks is a researcher in the area of
Marks, Wise, Haldeman and Whited have derived exact expressions for the test statistic distribution functions, and thus were able to analyze the performance of the optimal detector for given values of signal strength and sample size.
The Zhao–Atlas–Marks distribution produces a good resolution in time and frequency domains. The ZAMD method reduces the interference resulting from the cross-terms present in multi-component signals. It is useful in resolving close spectral peaks and capturing non-stationary and multi-component signals.
[T]he Zhao-Atlas-Marks time-frequency distribution ... significantly enhances the time and frequency resolution and eliminates all undesirable cross terms. // The ZAM distribution has been applied to speech with remarkable results.
[Their diagnostic test performs] detection and localization of shorted turns in the DC field winding of turbine-generator rotors using novelty detection and fuzzified neural networks. Use of neural networks with fuzzy logic outputs and traveling wave techniques ... is an accurate locator of shorted turns in turbo-generator rotors.
Their "very interesting multidimensional construction ... exploit[s] the [required] spectral gaps that occur when sampling multidimensional signals. Their approach is to slice the spectrum into narrow bands, and handle separately those bands which contain signal energy and those which do not."
Techniques have been developed by Walkup, Marks, and their co-workers whereby a shift-variant transformation can be separated into a number of discrete operations. // Marks et al. have derived a generalized sampling theorem that gives the ... rates necessary for dealing with shift-variant operations. // Marks has [also] proposed a number of processors based on temporally multiplexing the impulse response.
While many problems in optics can be solved by projections, it is difficult to solve such problems using all-optical methods. A notable exception is Marks' all-optical implementations of the convex projection algorithm for implementing super-resolution.
Marks served as the faculty adviser to the
Marks has made science-oriented Genesis is the creator of the universe, and indicates that, from an observers perspective on the surface of the earth (granting an opaque to translucent to transparent atmosphere), the "sequence of events in Genesis is consistent with the sequence of events in science."
Marks refers to himself as "A servant of Jesus Christ."